Dây hàn chống mài mòn Corodur 607 TiC+ (Germany)

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Dây hàn chống mài mòn Corodur 607 TiC+ nhập khẩu từ Đức. Độ cứng 60 HrC, dùng cho hàn đắp các thiết bị nghiền trong ngành xi măng, khai khoáng.

Mọi ý kiến thắc mắc xin liên hệ +84. 902 720 338

hoặc E-mail: sales@welding.vn

Chi tiết:

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: CORODUR 607TiC is a C-, Cr-, Mo-alloyed martensitic flux-cored wire featuring a composite of refractory carbides including >6% titanium for added hardness and wear resistance. This alloy is best suited to protecting parts that are exposed to pulverising stresses featuring high abrasion under pressure or where crack-free / slough-resistant deposits are essential. It is therefore well suited to rebuilding Cement and Coal pulveriser rolls and for hardbanding Oil-well Drill-Pipe for specifically casing-friendly applications. The micro structure of the deposit is martensitic with evenly distributed Titanium and other Refractory Carbides for supreme abrasion resistance. This alloy is proven under industry-standard ASTM G65 lab tests to provide 35% greater wear resistance (less material loss) than standard 5% Titanium Carbide hardfacing materials. 

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